Sunday, September 8, 2013


Welcome to my new blog. The Universe has been gently asking me write my thoughts down for several years now, but I’ve been too shy to share. Thank God that shyness grows thin and a take-me-or-leave me attitude develops with age and experience. So here I am … wondering how to welcome new and old friends into the misfit world of my mind and I remembered something that I wrote for My Space on July 11, 2011…before its popularity faded away. Since I still think and feel this way, I thought that the note to old friends that I called “By the Way …” was a poignant way to start my new blog…

By the Way …

If you are reading this message, you are my friend. That means that you own a part of my heart and I own a part of yours. Please take care of that part of my heart that you carry with you. I promise that I will take care of that part you that I carry with me. If things grow bad between us, please know that I would never permanently say good bye to you, my dear friend. As my friend, you can not say nor do anything that I would never forgive or not let you take back. You are always welcome and you always have an invitation to call, write and visit, no matter what. . (BTW, I hope that it is the same for you.)

As my friend, you are included in my everyday thoughts and dreams. I love you unconditionally and that is just the way it is. We are friends. We are never truly alone as we carry part of each other where ever we go. No one can replace you or take that part of me from you. No one can replace me or take that part of you from me either. There's comfort in knowing that you are my friend. As your friend, you will always be loved, even when things are bad or when things are said that hurts. No matter what, we are connected. No matter what, we are friends. No matter what, I love you dear friend… please remember that.

Friendship is like a wild grass out on the rez, it’s everywhere, hidden in the back ground, a backdrop to the rest of life… making the wild flowers more visible and bright. As you walk through the grass, some of it sticks with you even when you get back in your car and drive off.

There are seasons to our wild grass. When it’s young and green, is flexible and healing. As it ages in the heat of the summer sun, it turns a loving pink then it settles down into the friendliest yellow as it prepares to hibernate through the cold winter snow. For some of you, our season is green. For some of you, our season is pink. For some of you, it is yellow. And for some of you, it is endearing the cold winter snow.

For those of you hibernating in the snow, I just hope that good seeds were planted before the snow hit and that I will again experience the seasonal changes with you once again.

For those of you that have endured the destruction and pain of life’s wild land fires with me, let's hope that the fire has fertilized our soil for a bumper crop of the most beautiful of wild flowers. Sometimes it takes a fire to help us reach our fullest potential. I hope that our roots had grown deep enough to endure the blaze and will come up again next spring. If our roots were too shallow to endure the blaze,   please know that I will cherish the times we shared. You are still a welcome part of my life. You are still loved. You are still my friend.


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